So Lets Start The build For the OS but before it we need to know about the tools we need to use in it .
Text Editor (I am using nano) make NASM (assembler ) qemu (Virtual Software)
I am using a Windows 11 machine with WSL enabled in it .
To Start it we need to create some files and folder in which all the codes will saved
itswiz@TheWiz:~/TWZ$ mkdir src
itswiz@TheWiz:~/TWZ$ cd src/
itswiz@TheWiz:~/TWZ/src$ nano main.asm
We need to start with assembly first to write the basic bootloader and after that we will switch to c for more codes
Assembly language is a low-level programming language that allows programmers to communicate with a computer's hardware. It's designed to be readable by humans, unlike machine language, which is made up of binary and hexadecimal characters In this case we will use assemblyX86 for the code