So Lets Start The build For the OS but before it we need to know about the tools we need to use in it .


Text Editor (I am using nano) make NASM (assembler ) qemu (Virtual Software)


I am using a Windows 11 machine with WSL enabled in it .

Step 1 (Making of dir and files )

To Start it we need to create some files and folder in which all the codes will saved

itswiz@TheWiz:~/TWZ$ mkdir src
itswiz@TheWiz:~/TWZ$ cd src/
itswiz@TheWiz:~/TWZ/src$ nano main.asm

We need to start with assembly first to write the basic bootloader and after that we will switch to c for more codes

Basic to Assembly language

Assembly language is a low-level programming language that allows programmers to communicate with a computer's hardware. It's designed to be readable by humans, unlike machine language, which is made up of binary and hexadecimal characters In this case we will use assemblyX86 for the code

How a computer Starts up?

  1. BIOS is copied from a ROM chip into RAM
  2. BIOS starts executing code
  1. BIOS searches for an operating system to start
  2. BIOS loads and starts the operating system
  3. Operating system runs

How BIOS find the OS ?

  1. Lagacy booting
  2. BIOS loads first sector of each bootable device into memory ( at location 0x7C00 )
  3. BIOS checks for 0xAA55 signature
  4. If found , it start executing codes
  5. EFI -BIOS looks into EFI partitions